Pollio Fountain Ephesus Turkey

Pollio Fountain in Ephesus Turkey

Pollio Fountain
Pollio Fountain

Pollio Fountain locates in front of the west terrace wall of State Agora and it faces the Domitian Temple. It is known from Latin and Greek inscriptions that it was built by the foster son of C. Sextilius Pollio in 97 (AD) and this monument is also the cenotaph of C. Sextilius Pollio.

The structure had a monumental pedestal covered with marble slabs over a rubble base covering an area. There were two doorposts on two sides that merge with a grand niche. On its western side, the smaller niche was surrounded by thin wall supports which were the sole ornament on this monument. The water was provided via a branching system of clay-baked pipes from this fountain. The water was carried by three main aqueducts around the city. With its great arch supporting its semi-circular pediment, Pollio Fountain is visible from different sites in the city.

Several statues, one of which was the head of Zeus, decorated the facade of the fountain. A group of Polyphemus statues was decorating the pool on a pedestal, these statues are represented now at Ephesus Museum.



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